Monday, April 20, 2015

April Showers Will Bring May Flowers - RIGHT?

Hi Dear Readers,

I know, it's been awhile again since I last posted.   Part of it was because I just couldn't get into the mood.   But after a dear friend kicked me in the butt to get me moving, here I am.  

We FINALLY are having some rain.   Had a nice shower last night that lasted about 3 hours of steady, soaking rain.   Now it's mostly drizzle, which is better than nothing.   I know some areas are sick of rain and have had way too much.  Wisconsin, on the other hand, is 2 inches behind so far this year because of not much snowfall this winter and no rain so far this spring, except for last night and mist/drizzle today.  There is a burning ban for the entire state - no camp fires, no smoking outside where there are leaves, etc.  

We had a nice week last week - lots of sunshine and temps hovering near 60 most days.   It's been a teaser, just enough to let us know summer will come to Wisconsin eventually. 

The picture above is our northern variety Magnolia tree.  It's not as pretty as other years, for some reason - maybe no moisture when it needed it.   

A week ago we had a circus in our yard - there were 4 men running around with various pieces of yard equipment.   The crew came into thatch the yard, do fall cleanup that never got done in the fall as it snowed too soon, trimmed some bushes, etc.   Now our yard looks nice except for the tree in this coming picture.
This tree has been slowly getting worse each year. This year most of the smaller branches under the big globe on top are almost dead.   Mr. D was going to have the cleanup crew cut it down, but I held him at bay until we can figure out and line up someone to clean up the mess, haul in some new dirt, move rocks, and plant something new.   Neither one of us should be doing that kind of thing anymore.   One thing always leads to another it  seems.  The joys of owning a home.   

Will close for today, and try hard to blog again soon without waiting a month or two before I do.   Thanks for putting up with me.   I know it makes it hard to follow my blog.  I really suggest getting posts via email so you won't waste time searching for a new post when there isn't one.  There is a link in the side bar and it's easy to do.  It should save you time in the long run.   

Now I'm to go around and visit.




  1. So nice to see a post from you, and your photos are lovely. April showers do indeed bring May flowers. :) Sending you a warm hug.

  2. Winter is hard on trees and it always makes me sad to lose one I loved.

    I hope you get your needed rain. We are expecting quite a bit tonight but it will be accompanied by strong winds, hail and possibly tornados. Needless to say, I am worried about some of my trees coming down on my house.

  3. There may not be as many blooms but your Magnolia tree is beautiful. bet it smells heavenly.

    Winter has played havoc with my shrubs and trellises. I have to trim broken branches from my Lady Kim lilac tree. We still have some snow in the shade. I cleaned up some dead debris from several large flowerbed yesterday and today and tomorrow we're getting some rain.

    Take care and have a good week.

  4. Thank you for your visit to my blog, Mary. We've had lots of rain for the past several days and are about 1/3 of an inch behind our average for the year here. My husband has mowed three times already!

    Take care!

  5. Your magnolia tree is pretty. It's finally starting to green up around here and it's been so nice seeing something besides brown outside :)

  6. OH what a wonderful yard you will have by now! I love a nice yard but I can't do mine either all by self.

  7. Our grandpa (Mommy's dad) had parkinson's disease so Mommy is very familiar with it. We're glad we found your blog!


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