Dear Readers,
I was deeply touched the other day when one of Mario's Twitter friends, Prudence over at A Coonhound's Tales presented me with an award - not Mario. I was very surprised and touched because my blog is so new and still in the "making" so to speak. Receiving that award reminded me that Mario hadn't acknowledged his awards received since Thanksgiving either. Thus we've decided to do a combined post and present some of the awards to followers of my blog and some to followers of Mario's blog. Whenever we get an award, we like to present to some of our friends that haven't had much exposure yet but have good and interesting blogs.
This afternoon Mario updated his blog and we presented the Shining Star Award (pictured above) to a young lady suffering from a debilitating disease she was born with. Nicole at Crippie's Corner is an inspiration to me as she always seems upbeat and keeps her sense of humor. To view her blog, just click on her name.
"Liebster" means favorite or beloved in German, and this award helps to draw attention to blogs that aren't too well known.
Here are the rules for this award:
Upon receipt of the award, one is to:
1) Link back to the blogger who gave it
2) Paste the award on the blog
3) Choose 5 blogs to pass this award to (they must have fewer than 200 followers)
4) Let the recipients know about their nomination by leaving a comment on their blogs.
Mariodacatsmom presents the Liebster Award to:
Day By Day With Beth Marie - Beth lives with a life-threatening disease - day by day.
Life Your Way - Living with a chronic illness. When I'm feeling down, she's another one who can cheer me up.
Notes For My Next Life - Works in the music industry in Los Angelas, CA - interesting experiences in her lifetime.
RamblingOn - Breath-Taking photography, human for @Katiebella2 and for @AdmiralHestorb, who is now OTRB.
Starting My Collection - Granddaughter of dear friends who happens to love to cook and is good at it. Has posted several good recipes.
Mariodacat presents 5 awards to: -- Mario and I are hoping she'll come out of hiding and post again, so we just had to give her this award to entice her!
Enjoy your award friends,
Mary & Mariodacat