Saturday, December 24, 2011
Visit With Neurologist - Merry Christmas
Dear Friends,
Wish I could say I have some good news after visiting with the neurologist yesterday, but I don't. I clearly believe he doesn't know what to do with me. I did catch him on a day where he had 10 patients waiting in the same waiting room to see him. Maybe it was a bad day for him. Usually he takes whatever time you need, but not yesterday.
I am more shaky again. He wants to add another drug to my cocktail. Sorry I can't give you the name because he's having it called in to our mail order pharmacy so I can get a 3-month supply. (Hope it works)! If i would have been thinking clearly when I saw him, I would have had him phone to a local pharmacy to try for a month, but as usual, I wasn't comprehending fast enough to keep up with him.
He did make the comment tho that if this didn't work, he'd put me back on the Levodopa/Carbidopa combination again. He asked me what ever happened to various drugs that he had prescribed, and was I taking them. No, I'm not taking them because they were doing strange things to me - a combination of being dizzy, losing my balance rapidly, and/or making me sick to my stomach and throwing up. Each time I stopped a drug it was because I called his office, told them the side effects being experienced, and he said to stop the drugs, thru the nurse I was talking to. I would think my chart should have been noted as such, but clearly it was not - or he was too busy to notice. I am going to sit down and write him a letter on Monday right after Christmas reminding him of all this. Then I will take a copy of that letter with me on my next visit in 6 months - if I don't call sooner and ask to get in to see him.
I also brought up the fact that I had gotten sick to my stomach about 3 times in the past 2 weeks, and i thought it was from one of my drugs. I also mentioned to him that my family doctor had prescribed the pain killer for my back along with Tylenol. I think the added drug is what is making my stomach upset.
I'll be seeing my family doctor the first week of January, so plan on having a long talk with him on the best course of action. I'm very tempted to get an appointment in Milwaukee with Don's doctor (not thru the VA tho, because I'm not a veteran). That doctor is a Parkinson's specialist working out of Froedert Memorial Hospital. But there is no point in trying to get an appointment with her now because of winter driving. It will have to wait until spring/summer when there is no worry of a snow storm making a 2 1/2 hour drive into a 5-hour, nerve-wracking trip. It's nerve wracking as it is just driving in Milwaukee.
The above picture is the front of our house - taken last Christmas. This year we are minus the outdoor lights and have snow on the ground - thanks to mother nature delivering an inch yesterday. I have to laugh because the weatherman has been saying for a week that it looked like we would have a brown Christmas this year. Wrong again! he he - I still think they sometimes predict the weather by shooting darts at a dart board.
Our daughter and her husband are coming early afternoon today and will spend the night here. After we give them breakfast Christmas morning, they'll leave for Ken's family. We were invited to do down there too, but have declined due to the hour's drive back home in the dark. Neither Don nor I are up to that anymore. I think we just may take in a movie tomorrow afternoon. Or, we'll stay home and get ready for the Packer game in the evening.
I hope you all have a blessed Christmas, Holiday Season or Happy Festivis, as the case may be.
Sorry for the "down beat" post at Christmas, but I wanted to document everything that happened at the Neurologist's appointment last Monday while it was fresh in my mind.
Thanks to you my faithful readers for taking the time this busy season to read my blog. It is so appreciated.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Christmas Brain Fog
Dear Readers,
The tree is up, the cards in the mail, and Mario is a happy kitty to be the added decoration under the tree - his favorite hangout place during Christmas season. All the kudos go to Don for decorating the tree, and doing such a great job. Other years, the job was usually mine after the tree was carried up from the basement and set in place. It's amazing how things change in a year.
Getting the cards and letters out was a big job this year. I've always relied on address labels and keep a current list ready to go in the computer. This year Avery changed their template numbers - at least for the 8160 that I've always used. Of course I had bought a new package of labels. I can't tell you how many times I printed the same set of labels trying to get them to line up correctly. I fiddled with the margins, changed settings, stood on my head, said a few choice words, called Avery, stood on my head some more, and said more choice words. The air was turning blue, and even Mario didn't want to be in my office. After Day 1 out of the 5 I worked on cards, brain fog was setting in, and I really didn't know what I was doing for the remaining 4 days.
The long and short of the story is that some friends might get 2 cards and some may have been omitted by mistake. I clearly didn't know what i was doing anymore. Today Don confirmed one error after talking to his sister, who mentioned she had received our card and letter. When Don was talking to her he was holding the envelope and card in his hand that we were going to mail out later today. YIKES! That's one we know about - how many others were duplicated and how many have been missed!
I hate living with this brain fog and feeling like I don't know what I'm doing. Yes, it's probably the meds, but I still don't like it. There are so many days where I feel like i'm mentally losing it. A Twitter friend once told me 'Getting old "ain't" for the faint of heart.' How right she is!!
ha ha- so if you are a friend who received two cards, count yourself lucky and save one for next year in case you are missed at that time. If you were missed this year - well, what can I say...............maybe next year you will get one!
The tree is up, the cards in the mail, and Mario is a happy kitty to be the added decoration under the tree - his favorite hangout place during Christmas season. All the kudos go to Don for decorating the tree, and doing such a great job. Other years, the job was usually mine after the tree was carried up from the basement and set in place. It's amazing how things change in a year.
Getting the cards and letters out was a big job this year. I've always relied on address labels and keep a current list ready to go in the computer. This year Avery changed their template numbers - at least for the 8160 that I've always used. Of course I had bought a new package of labels. I can't tell you how many times I printed the same set of labels trying to get them to line up correctly. I fiddled with the margins, changed settings, stood on my head, said a few choice words, called Avery, stood on my head some more, and said more choice words. The air was turning blue, and even Mario didn't want to be in my office. After Day 1 out of the 5 I worked on cards, brain fog was setting in, and I really didn't know what I was doing for the remaining 4 days.
The long and short of the story is that some friends might get 2 cards and some may have been omitted by mistake. I clearly didn't know what i was doing anymore. Today Don confirmed one error after talking to his sister, who mentioned she had received our card and letter. When Don was talking to her he was holding the envelope and card in his hand that we were going to mail out later today. YIKES! That's one we know about - how many others were duplicated and how many have been missed!
I hate living with this brain fog and feeling like I don't know what I'm doing. Yes, it's probably the meds, but I still don't like it. There are so many days where I feel like i'm mentally losing it. A Twitter friend once told me 'Getting old "ain't" for the faint of heart.' How right she is!!
ha ha- so if you are a friend who received two cards, count yourself lucky and save one for next year in case you are missed at that time. If you were missed this year - well, what can I say...............maybe next year you will get one!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Random Acts Of Kindness
Dear Readers,
The past two weeks I was out and about more - dentist one day - short shopping and errands on other days. My faithful companion - the walker - was with me on each of those outings.
Walkers on wheels are a great invention, but they are a little cumbersome to use, especially when going in and out heavy doors that don't have the automatic opener. Going in isn't to difficult, but you do have to position your self off to the side of the door, open the door with the right hand, then slowly navigate the walker thru the door while holding the door open with your right hand or body - or butt.
Going back out when the door is heavy is a real challenge. Again, you have to move yourself to the left of the door, hold the walker with the left hand, use the right hand to pull the door towards you, then swing your butt over to hold the door open while you grip the walker with both hands and turn the walker in the right direction to go out the door. (Big rumps do help. he he)
I was pleasantly surprised at the dentist's office recently when a gray-haired man (probably close to my age) came over and asked if he could assist me. I was struggling with that door - a room full of people all waiting to see the hygienist or dentist, and ignored by all except the nice elderly gentleman. I was very grateful and thanked him profusely. It was a random act of kindness that was so appreciated.
Then on Saturday we were invited to a birthday party for the granddaughter of a friend. It was a rainy, drizzly day, so Don pulled in the driveway to let me out. I didn't bring a walker because I knew it would be crowded in the house, and I usually don't need it in a house anyway. Much to my surprise, the son of my friend walked out to greet me, offered me his arm for assistance, and helped me up the steps to his home. Their entry way has wooden steps leading to a deck like platform - there is no railing. That was another random act of kindness that was so appreciated.
When we got ready to leave, the other son of that friend asked me if he could assist me to the car where Don was again waiting in the driveway. Another much appreciated random act of kindness. I mentioned it to their mother the next day and told her she could be proud of her sons for their willingness to help. So very thoughtful of both young men.
Then this morning I was attempting to get into Barnes & Noble's store and again was faced with big heavy doors that had to be manually opened. Along came a lady who appeared to be my age and perhaps even a year or two older. She said "Here, let me get that door for you!" Another random act of kindness!
Thru the years I have tried to do the same for people struggling with a door and a walker or wheel chair. I guess what goes around eventually comes around.
You never know when an opportunity will present itself so you too can perform a random act of kindness. I do hope you will take the opportunity and "make some one's day" because, in time, you too will be in need of the extra help. These wonderful people certainly did "make my day" and I'm so appreciative.
The past two weeks I was out and about more - dentist one day - short shopping and errands on other days. My faithful companion - the walker - was with me on each of those outings.
Walkers on wheels are a great invention, but they are a little cumbersome to use, especially when going in and out heavy doors that don't have the automatic opener. Going in isn't to difficult, but you do have to position your self off to the side of the door, open the door with the right hand, then slowly navigate the walker thru the door while holding the door open with your right hand or body - or butt.
Going back out when the door is heavy is a real challenge. Again, you have to move yourself to the left of the door, hold the walker with the left hand, use the right hand to pull the door towards you, then swing your butt over to hold the door open while you grip the walker with both hands and turn the walker in the right direction to go out the door. (Big rumps do help. he he)
I was pleasantly surprised at the dentist's office recently when a gray-haired man (probably close to my age) came over and asked if he could assist me. I was struggling with that door - a room full of people all waiting to see the hygienist or dentist, and ignored by all except the nice elderly gentleman. I was very grateful and thanked him profusely. It was a random act of kindness that was so appreciated.
Then on Saturday we were invited to a birthday party for the granddaughter of a friend. It was a rainy, drizzly day, so Don pulled in the driveway to let me out. I didn't bring a walker because I knew it would be crowded in the house, and I usually don't need it in a house anyway. Much to my surprise, the son of my friend walked out to greet me, offered me his arm for assistance, and helped me up the steps to his home. Their entry way has wooden steps leading to a deck like platform - there is no railing. That was another random act of kindness that was so appreciated.
When we got ready to leave, the other son of that friend asked me if he could assist me to the car where Don was again waiting in the driveway. Another much appreciated random act of kindness. I mentioned it to their mother the next day and told her she could be proud of her sons for their willingness to help. So very thoughtful of both young men.
Then this morning I was attempting to get into Barnes & Noble's store and again was faced with big heavy doors that had to be manually opened. Along came a lady who appeared to be my age and perhaps even a year or two older. She said "Here, let me get that door for you!" Another random act of kindness!
Thru the years I have tried to do the same for people struggling with a door and a walker or wheel chair. I guess what goes around eventually comes around.
You never know when an opportunity will present itself so you too can perform a random act of kindness. I do hope you will take the opportunity and "make some one's day" because, in time, you too will be in need of the extra help. These wonderful people certainly did "make my day" and I'm so appreciative.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Chance Encounter
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Photo from Blog of Dr. Jefferson |
Dear Readers,
I'm always amazed at the chance encounters available in the Blog World and Twitter World. You just never know who you will meet along the way and from what country.
I'd like to introduce to you today Dr. Duncan Jefferson who lives in Australia. I was searching thru the blog world a couple of weeks ago and happened on Dr. Jefferson's blog I immediately took a liking to his blog and followed it. He writes on medical issues and non-medical issues, and i have found his blog most helpful and easy to read.
There have been times when I've touched on a subject, and a couple of days later he has expanded on that same subject. I'm honored that I can provide him with some post ideas, and he certainly has helped me with valuable information. So thank you Dr. Jefferson for reading my blog and taking an interest in the subject matter I have talked about.
Please go over and take a look around his blog - I think you'll like what you see.
Stay tuned later this week for my next post on "Random Acts Of Kindness."
There have been times when I've touched on a subject, and a couple of days later he has expanded on that same subject. I'm honored that I can provide him with some post ideas, and he certainly has helped me with valuable information. So thank you Dr. Jefferson for reading my blog and taking an interest in the subject matter I have talked about.
Please go over and take a look around his blog - I think you'll like what you see.
Stay tuned later this week for my next post on "Random Acts Of Kindness."
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Dementia - Not Yet
Dear Readers,
The last of the leaves have been cleaned up, lawn mower put away, and snow blower ready to go, thanks to Don. The above picture was taken about 10 days ago, the leaves have since fallen and the tree is bare. Tonight we are to have snow! Mentally, I'm not ready.
Well, there is good news and bad news for the week. My 6-month checkup with the psychologist was this week. After testing, he asked me how I felt I was doing. I said, "mentally I've slipped a notch - just in some areas". He said he agreed with me. I did slip a little in some parts of the test, but remained good on other parts. It's an exhausting test as you are mentally challenged on every question or problem. He didn't do the entire battery of tests. Only did those that I scored poorly on 6 months ago.
Now 6 months ago I clearly remember the psychologist saying that I have a little Dementia. This time I brought it up and he said "Oh, you don't have Dementia." Now I know mentally I have declined a little since 6 months ago and the tests indicate I have declined, so did he make a mistake when he said I had the start of Dementia 6 months ago? I can only suspect that was the case or he didn't clarify enough as to what he did mean, and I didn't question enough and accepted what he said.
Why is this important to me? Well, my mother's side of the family is full of Dementia/Alzheimer's history - starting with my grandfather (Dementia), followed by my mother, two of her sisters, and her remaining brother - all diagnosed with Alzheimer's. Because of this history, the psychologist wants to see me every 6 months just to keep a handle on things and I agree.
The bad news is that I have declined a tiny notch mentally, but the good news is that clinically speaking, I don't have Dementia! I can tell you that I'm in a mental fog a good share of my day, which I believe is from all the drugs that I'm on - most of which make me tired. I can't seem to even prioritize things that need to be done. Yes, I've tried making a list, but never am able to check off more than a couple of things a day on that list. Several times a day I can wander into a room and wonder why I went in there. I know this is somewhat normal as you age, but I think with me it happens more than what would be normal. I'm talking several times a day.
The other thing I've noticed is that I've slowed down to a snail's pace physically too. It takes me so long to accomplish anything. Much of the time I feel overwhelmed at all that needs to be done around here leading up to Christmas. The slowing down is no doubt the Parkinson's kicking in, and the drugs only magnify the problem.
To complicate matters, my back has been painful lately. The MRI taken a week ago showed the arthritis in the spine has increased since 3 years ago. My family doctor said I'm not a candidate for surgery (nor would I want it at this stage of the game), and the back doctor yesterday confirmed everything. He did offer to give me a shot in the spine, but I'm not sure I want to go thru that. I know it's risky to start fooling around with the spine. I really can't stand upright for very long - about 3 minutes is max, then I have to lean on something or sit down. So trying to accomplish anything standing up is about impossible. Walking from the far bedroom into the kitchen is tiring on my back. Don has been wonderful and has assumed so much of the physical work around here. He does it willingly and without complaint, but i feel guilty not being able to do my share. The spine doctor feels the weakness in my back and legs is due to the Parkinson's. He's probably right.
Now on a good note - I bought a Nook, color, touch e-reader yesterday. It's not the tablet, but one step down. I'm able to navigate around it quite well, but typing on that tiny keyboard takes awhile as I keep making mistakes. Kim says I'll get adjusted more after I've used it several times. I do like it tho. Now if i can only stay awake longer at night when I try reading. Why don't I read during the day you ask? Well, any time of day when I try to read, it puts me to sleep. So, there is no good time of day for reading.
I called Kim for help and she walked me thru the process of getting the WiFi set up, something I've never had to do before. She gave me some mini instructions, and now I should be able to read tonight. It will be fun playing with a new toy! I spent the extra money and bought the hard covered book that was available because I have trouble remembering things after reading. All the information is on the device, but you have to remember what you read, leave the page, and do the steps involved. It was just easier to buy the book for $8.00.
Stay tuned - next week I have an appointment with the Neurologist (I think it's next week).
The last of the leaves have been cleaned up, lawn mower put away, and snow blower ready to go, thanks to Don. The above picture was taken about 10 days ago, the leaves have since fallen and the tree is bare. Tonight we are to have snow! Mentally, I'm not ready.
Well, there is good news and bad news for the week. My 6-month checkup with the psychologist was this week. After testing, he asked me how I felt I was doing. I said, "mentally I've slipped a notch - just in some areas". He said he agreed with me. I did slip a little in some parts of the test, but remained good on other parts. It's an exhausting test as you are mentally challenged on every question or problem. He didn't do the entire battery of tests. Only did those that I scored poorly on 6 months ago.
Now 6 months ago I clearly remember the psychologist saying that I have a little Dementia. This time I brought it up and he said "Oh, you don't have Dementia." Now I know mentally I have declined a little since 6 months ago and the tests indicate I have declined, so did he make a mistake when he said I had the start of Dementia 6 months ago? I can only suspect that was the case or he didn't clarify enough as to what he did mean, and I didn't question enough and accepted what he said.
Why is this important to me? Well, my mother's side of the family is full of Dementia/Alzheimer's history - starting with my grandfather (Dementia), followed by my mother, two of her sisters, and her remaining brother - all diagnosed with Alzheimer's. Because of this history, the psychologist wants to see me every 6 months just to keep a handle on things and I agree.
The bad news is that I have declined a tiny notch mentally, but the good news is that clinically speaking, I don't have Dementia! I can tell you that I'm in a mental fog a good share of my day, which I believe is from all the drugs that I'm on - most of which make me tired. I can't seem to even prioritize things that need to be done. Yes, I've tried making a list, but never am able to check off more than a couple of things a day on that list. Several times a day I can wander into a room and wonder why I went in there. I know this is somewhat normal as you age, but I think with me it happens more than what would be normal. I'm talking several times a day.
The other thing I've noticed is that I've slowed down to a snail's pace physically too. It takes me so long to accomplish anything. Much of the time I feel overwhelmed at all that needs to be done around here leading up to Christmas. The slowing down is no doubt the Parkinson's kicking in, and the drugs only magnify the problem.
To complicate matters, my back has been painful lately. The MRI taken a week ago showed the arthritis in the spine has increased since 3 years ago. My family doctor said I'm not a candidate for surgery (nor would I want it at this stage of the game), and the back doctor yesterday confirmed everything. He did offer to give me a shot in the spine, but I'm not sure I want to go thru that. I know it's risky to start fooling around with the spine. I really can't stand upright for very long - about 3 minutes is max, then I have to lean on something or sit down. So trying to accomplish anything standing up is about impossible. Walking from the far bedroom into the kitchen is tiring on my back. Don has been wonderful and has assumed so much of the physical work around here. He does it willingly and without complaint, but i feel guilty not being able to do my share. The spine doctor feels the weakness in my back and legs is due to the Parkinson's. He's probably right.
Now on a good note - I bought a Nook, color, touch e-reader yesterday. It's not the tablet, but one step down. I'm able to navigate around it quite well, but typing on that tiny keyboard takes awhile as I keep making mistakes. Kim says I'll get adjusted more after I've used it several times. I do like it tho. Now if i can only stay awake longer at night when I try reading. Why don't I read during the day you ask? Well, any time of day when I try to read, it puts me to sleep. So, there is no good time of day for reading.
I called Kim for help and she walked me thru the process of getting the WiFi set up, something I've never had to do before. She gave me some mini instructions, and now I should be able to read tonight. It will be fun playing with a new toy! I spent the extra money and bought the hard covered book that was available because I have trouble remembering things after reading. All the information is on the device, but you have to remember what you read, leave the page, and do the steps involved. It was just easier to buy the book for $8.00.
Stay tuned - next week I have an appointment with the Neurologist (I think it's next week).
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